Tears of Joy Video and Photography        



Changes In The Last 100 Years

 It's the beginning of a new year and a new decade.  It seems just yesterday when we we starting the new millennium.  Time passes quickly and with the passage of time comes changes.  Sometimes changes are not noticeable until you take time to look back and reflect on how these changes have affected our lives.  These three videos will help you reflect on that.  They focus on three aspects of change over the last 100 years, photography, communication and our toys.



Tears of Joy Video focuses on creating your stories with your pictures.  But when you look back in time the way we have taken our pictures on home movies to capture our memories has made some major changes over the years.  It is getting to the point that no one uses film anymore.  Digital pictures and video gives you the chance to look at what you’re taking right away.  Because of this it gives you a chance to delete the bad and recreate it in the moment, creating better pictures and home movies as a family.  Tears of Joy Video shows you how to take those memories and create stories to share with family and friends, and as family keepsakes. One thing hasn't changed is the need for families to keep their memories and share them with others by means of pictures and home movies. This video will show that.




Another major thing that has changed in the last 100 years is the way we communicate. Today its hard to find someone who does not have a cell phone on them. Even in 3rd world countries cell phones are becoming the thing to have. We also have electric mail, and can communicate by video either over the phone or over the Internet. But if you look back over the last 100 years you can see how quickly things have changed. This video focuses on the last 100 years of the telephone and communication.




Over Thanksgiving weekend I was watching a television show about toys. In the program it showed how our play as children and what we played with shaped us into the people we are. Then it went into talking about some of the toys over the last few decades and interviewed people as to how they felt about their favorite toys. This inspired me to use this topic in our group on Facebook "Everyone has a story...What's yours?" It was a hot topic as everyone spoke about their favorite toy and their stories behind their toys. This made me do research on toys and was the inspiration of this video-100 years of toys. See if any of the toys you see here were you favorites. There is one mistake on this video. I thought the "America Dolls" were new, but they have been around for a while. It’s just that within the last decade they have become a fad.