Tears of Joy Video and Photography        



Great Gifts for Family

This is the time of year people think about gift giving. Are you looking for great gifts for your family? The best gift you can give is great memories, and the memories you shared as a family bind you together.  Tears of Joy Video has a number of ways we can help you create gifts from your family memories.  Call or email us to start making your gifts TODAY!

Scanned Pictures & 35mm Slides

Do you have family pictures or slides that your relatives haven’t seen in years? Tears of Joy Video can scan them for you and you can give a CD copy to each member of your family. Now all the pictures are no longer sitting on the shelf collecting dust, they are available for everyone to enjoy. Your pictures are now brought into the 21st century. An added advantage for your pictures, an extra CD copy can be placed in a safe deposit box to protect your pictures against natural disasters.  

Film and Transfer Service


Family films and home movie videos may also be collecting dust. Many people no longer have projectors or VCRs to watch their films or videos. Why not have them transferred to DVD for family members to enjoy again? Each family member can get their own copy to watch when they get home.   


Do you have special family recordings on cassette tape?  Transfer them to CD or MP3 files to share with family and bring all those special memories back again.


Digital Frames with Special Greeting


Create a special memory for your family.  Purchase a digital frame with video capabilities and create a digital greeting card to play when your family member opens the gift.  This is a great way to surprise your family and add a special moment to remember.


Family History Video


Take all those scanned pictures, home movies and audio recordings and make a family history video.  Tears of Joy Video can create a special video masterpiece that tells your family story.  Take it one step further and add video interviews to use as a type of narration of your video, told by different members of the family.  


Here is an idea.  At your next family get together, videotape your family on your smart phone or digital camera telling stories about the family and use these stories in you family history video.  


Your family history video will be a family heirloom, cherished by all for years to come.


Family Story or Recipe Book


You can tell your family story in written form.  Creating a book with key pictures with captions and written stories of events that are important to your family.  Tears of Joy Video can create this for you and you can give copies to key members of your family.


Do your family members love to cook? Getting together as a family, you may have special recipes you look forward to having every year.  Collect those recipes from your family and take a picture of the dish and of them.  Now with these pictures and recipes we can create your families own recipe book.  Copies can be made for everyone in your family.



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